You’ve been listening to the same seven gospel or R&B songs for the last eight…
“Many more…many more…many more…” The woman reading the list of our dead says it…
Your leg hair is longer than your Januworry weave. You’re out in the elements wearing…
Some people’s lives begin with departure. With a reluctant relinquishing of their homes to survive…
Curfew’s just been lifted in Bangkok and I’m trying to hear Malkovich over a trumpeter…
The first thing you’ll notice about Accra is the bustle. The traffic that chokes the…
At midnight just off of Times Square, a dollar will take you ‘Back to the Future’. It’s New York city on a Sunday evening so naturally there’s a flying DeLorean parked in the street, Marty McFly’s hoverboard balanced on two black cans and the umpteenth tourist sidling up to a Doc impersonator slurring:
They call Los Angeles the City of Dreams but they never specify whether they’re shattered…